Teaching Children With Autism

Teaching children with autism should be done by trained teachers and therapists. But ones that have gone through extensive training. For children on the spectrum to be successful you must be energetic, motivated and ready to expect the unexpected. Until you get to know a child you don't know what he or she is capable of. That includes what level your child might be at and what type of behaviors might come about.

When your child is little and diagnosed, the success rate can be higher if teaching your child with autism is done one on one. One on one gives your child the most opportunities to learn what ever the skill may be at that time. It also gives your child and therapist a chance to build a rapor and trust one another.

When teaching an autistic child you can use different things. You can use , signs, pecs. video modeling, social stories if your child has trouble socializing, which a lot of children on the spectrum have difficulty doing, picture schedules, and different computer software may be helpful as well. These are to name a few.

On a different page, I had mentioned different techniques to teach children with autism, but I still believe that ABA/VB holds a lot of validity. It has many years of research to back it up and through my experiences it keeps on working. Using ABA/VB is a structured way of teaching as well as a technique where repetition is how your child can learn different skills and be reinforced a lot. We all know that motivation and reinforcement are key components in teaching children with autism. You can use the different things mentioned above in an ABA/VB program.

I do respect the fact that each child is different and may respond better to one technique versus another, but I will always believe that a child first diagnosed, as well as older can only benefit from structured teaching and that one on one can go along way.

I believe that children with autism, once more awareness is exhibited, being around typically developing children can be beneficial.

Teaching Children With Autism